Sri Lanka Inter Club B and Women’s Chess Championships 2016-Finals

This is to inform you all that the Inter Club B and Women's Chess Championship will be held on 7th, 8th and 9th of October 2016 at S.Thomas' College,Mount Lavinia.. The 1st round will start at 3.30 p.m. on Friday.
Both events will be held on Swiss System(Match Points) with 5 rounds. Both events are rated and the Fisher mode will be applied.
Prizes-Inter Club B and Women's separate
Champion - Rs.15000/=
Second Place - Rs.10000/=
Third Place - Rs.5000/=
All are requested to be present at least one hour before starting the round.
The Entry Fee for the Finals is Rs. 2000/- per team.All selected teams are requested to register by sending an Email to [email protected] by 6th October 2016 (before 6.00 pm)
Erosh Jaysinghe
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