Sri Lanka Nationals Novices Division Chess Champioships 2011
This is to inform you that the Sri Lanka Nationals Novices Division Chess Championships conducted by the Chess Federation of Sri Lanka will be held from 3rd to 6th February 2011 at Royal College, Colombo. This Swiss System, 7 rounds tournament will commence at 3.00 p.m. on Thursday, the 3rd February 2011. All those who have not played in the Major Division earlier or not having an ELO Rating are eligible to participate in the event.

Anyone interested may register before 3rd February 2011 by sending an Email or an application to the following details:

Hony. Secretary,
Chess Federation of Sri Lanka,
151/12, Siridhamma Mawatha,
Colombo 10
[email protected]
Fax: 0112650622

An entry fee of Rs. 300/= will be charged. This Event will be the selection tournament for the Major Division Chess Championships. Althose who perform with a result of more than 50% will be qualified to play the Major Division this year.

Luxman Wijesuriya
Hony. Secretary - CFSL
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