As you all know, the Asian Youth Chess
Championships 2012 is to be held in Sri Lanka from 23rd to 30th June
2011. We are in a process of buying some Electronic Chess Boards to
use in the event which is around Rs. 40 to 50 thousand to buy straight
from the manufacturer. Unfortunately, we are not in a financial position
to get these boards and thought of offering the Sri Lankan Chess comunity
to support in this process.
So, we request you to fund for an Electronic board which will be given
back to you after the event. We may suggest to the event organizers
in Sri Lanka to hire it from the owners afterwords. There are couple
of people who have voluntered for the request sofar.
Specially, this request made because several people had told me in a
lot of instences that the CFSL does not request anything from them in
Your support will be a great step in making this event a grand success.
Luxman Wijesuriya
Vice President - CFSL
Chairman - Organizing Committee