An Arbiter Workshop for Local Arbiters

The Chess Federation has decided to have an Arbiter Workshop for the local Arbiters on Saturday, the 2nd June 2012 at Isipathana College Auditoriam, from 9.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m.. All those interested to become an arbiter or those who are already doing arbitering at the moment are expected to attend. Only the people who attend this programme will be considered for nominating to work at the forth coming Asian Youth Chess Championships in Sri Lanka. All arbiters should register with the Chess Federation of Sri Lanka by filling an arbiters application and making a payment of Rs. 500/-.( The attendance of the arbiters who have already registered no need to pay).

Programme will be conducted by the International Arbiters and Fide Arbiters. All those who are attending should confirm their participation before Friday to me.
Tel no:0713775756
Erosh Jayasinghe IA: [email protected]

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